About Us

Our Story:

As a student at the University of Bristol, I've experienced firsthand the challenges of finding the perfect flatmate. I was tired of hearing flatmate horror stories & seeing the student housing crisis spiral out of control.

Seeing my friends and myself struggle through this mess inspired me to create Cribster. I realized there wasn’t a single platform dedicated to solving this issue for students, so I decided to change that.

Our Solution:

Cribster is here to revolutionize how students find their perfect flatmates. Our app makes the process smooth and stress-free. With verified profiles using university emails, we ensure a trustworthy community.

Just enter your lifestyle preferences, study habits, housing needs, hobbies, and budget, and Cribster will help you to find the best matches. Our user-friendly interface lets you browse and filter potential flatmates easily, making meaningful connections a breeze.

Cribster is perfect for:

  • Students looking to group up with others

  • Groups looking to add individual students

  • Someone looking for a student to replace them in their tenancy contract

  • Exchange students looking for a short-term place to rent

  • Students looking to rent their room out over summer

By making it easier for students to find and connect with flatmates, Cribster helps alleviate the student housing crisis. It allows students to be more flexible about their numbers, fitting more people into houses and making better use of available housing. This flexibility means fewer empty rooms and more students finding suitable living arrangements without the stress and long waits.

Our Journey

Since starting Cribster, we’ve made some awesome progress. We've built a working prototype and done lots of research to really understand what students need. Early tests have been super successful, matching students through a simple form and messaging system.

We’re now fine-tuning our app’s design with expert help, planning exciting marketing strategies, and gearing up to grow our user base. With new features and updates on the way, Cribster is set to become the top platform for student flatmate matching across the UK.

Cribster has successfully won funding from the:

  • New Enterprise Competition Growth Stage

  • Jim and Peggy Wilkinson Innovation Fund

Join our waiting list now for future updates on the app release!

Easy and Friendly UI

  • Cribster's interface is designed with simplicity in mind, ensuring users can effortlessly navigate through the app. The home screen provides easy access to all essential features such as profile management, bookmarks, notifications, and messages.

  • The app features a clean and modern design that is both visually appealing and functional. The layout is organized to prioritize user comfort and ease of use.

Find and Filter for Nearby Flatmates

  • Cribster allows users to filter potential flatmates based on key criteria such as location, budget, and study habits. This ensures that users can find flatmates who match their specific needs and preferences.

  • Each user profile provides comprehensive information, including:

    • Hobbies/Societies

    • Housing requirements

    • Photos

    • Description

    • Link to Social Media (Instagram, Spotify etc.,)

    This helps users make informed decisions about potential flatmates.

    Profiles are verified using university emails, ensuring a trusted and reliable community of students.

In-App Messaging

  • Cribster's in-app messaging feature allows users to communicate with potential flatmates in real-time. This helps in building connections and making timely decisions about living arrangements.

  • All communications within Cribster are secure and encrypted, ensuring that user data and conversations are protected.

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Join The Waiting List!

Sign up to get early access to the app - planned release in September!

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